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Two trials signal pivotal point in fight against the AIDS epidemic
Two trials signal pivotal point in fight against the AIDS epidemic
Two major clinical trials will be conducted in South Africa in 2016 to test ways of preventing new HIV infections.
01 december 2015
1 In 4 Gay Men Should Take The Pill That Prevents HIV, CDC Says
1 In 4 Gay Men Should Take The Pill That Prevents HIV, CDC Says
Truvada prevents HIV, but only 21,000 people are taking the once-a-day pill. On Tuesday, federal health experts said that if we really want to stop the AIDS epidemic, that number should be more...
24 november 2015
Treat all people living with HIV, offer antiretrovirals as additional prevention choice for people at
Treat all people living with HIV, offer antiretrovirals as additional prevention choice for people at "substantial" risk
Anyone infected with HIV should begin antiretroviral treatment as soon after diagnosis as possible, WHO announced Wednesday. With its "treat-all" recommendation, WHO removes all limitations on...
02 october 2015
Uganda: Cipla buys 51% in Uganda drugs firm
Uganda: Cipla buys 51% in Uganda drugs firm
Cipla Limited the global pharmaceutical company has announced the purchase of a 51% stake in Quality Chemicals Limited by its wholly owned subsidiary in the UK, Cipla (EU) Limited.
23 august 2015
HIV care arrives in eastern Ukraine where UN, faith groups collaborate
HIV care arrives in eastern Ukraine where UN, faith groups collaborate
The first consignment of vital antiretroviral medications for adults and children living with HIV in war-stricken zones in eastern Ukraine has arrived by air in the conflict-torn country, says the...
17 august 2015
Israeli scientist claims breakthrough in HIV research
Israeli scientist claims breakthrough in HIV research
A researcher at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev found similarities between leukemia and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
14 august 2015
Uganda: Newly Diagonised HIV Patients to Start Immediate Treatment
Uganda: Newly Diagonised HIV Patients to Start Immediate Treatment
Kampala — Researchers on HIV/Aids treatment want new HIV/Aids patients enrolled on anti-retroviral therapy upon testing positive as opposed to waiting for the CD4 cell count-test to drop...
14 august 2015
Kenya: Misuse of antiretrovirals poses threat to HIV success story
Kenya: Misuse of antiretrovirals poses threat to HIV success story
In Kenya, misuse of life-saving antiretroviral drugs may be undermining the world’s greatest achievement to date in response to HIV.
12 august 2015
An AIDS Crisis in Ukraine
An AIDS Crisis in Ukraine
More than 6,500 deaths have been reported in the Donbass region, where Ukrainian forces have battled Russian-supported separatist fighters for control since April 2014. The political violence has...
26 july 2015
OHMATDET reloaded
OHMATDET reloaded
The treatment center for children with HIV-infection and AIDS, which is situated in capital OHMATDET, the main clinic of Ukraine, received a rare present. The Medical Information System MCMED...
18 january 2013
Five mobile clinics is vital present for HIV-positive children
Five mobile clinics is vital present for HIV-positive children
On March, 31 2009 Elena Pinchuk, Founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, and participants of Fashion AID project handed over to 5 regional AIDS Centers unique autos to help HIV- positive children. Five...
31 march 2009
Фонд Вильяма Дж. Клинтона и Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» объявили о результатах своего двухлетнего сотрудничества в Украине
Фонд Вильяма Дж. Клинтона и Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» объявили о результатах своего двухлетнего сотрудничества в Украине
Проект, который при поддержке Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» и Фонда Виктора Пинчука реализует Инициатива по ВИЧ/СПИДу Фонда Вильяма Дж. Клинтона, начал работать в...
27 january 2009