History of the Foundation
Olena Pinchuk managed to attract many world-class figures to the fight against AIDS in Ukraine.
History of the Foundation
2003 y.
Stop AIDS before it stops us
The first large-scale information campaign in Ukraine by the Olena Pinchuk Foundation (formerly the Olena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation) to promote safer sex is launched. {a_0}
Condom thickness is the line between you and AIDS
Stop AIDS before it stops us
  • 2005 y.
    Reconstruction of the "BERIZKA" orphanage
    On August 5, 2005, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation (formerly the Olena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation) completed a project to reconstruct the Berizka orphanage, which houses HIV-positive children. In total, the ANTIAIDS Foundation allocated more than UAH 2.5 million for this project.
  • 2005 y.
    The information campaign on HIV/AIDS in Ukraine continues
  • 2006 y.
    Cooperation with the Bill Clinton Foundation
    On 18 September 2006, the 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton, Olena Pinchuk and Victor Pinchuk signed a cooperation agreement in New York. As a result, Ukraine gained access to the most effective methods of fighting the epidemic and the latest developments in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
  • 2006 y.
    Protecting the country, protect yourself
    In partnership with the Health Centre of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation has implemented several projects aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS among cadets and conscripts.
  • 2007 y.
    Elton John's first concert in Kyiv
    On 16 June 2007, Sir Elton John gave a free charity concert in Kyiv as part of the information and education campaign On the Edge! organised by the Olena Pinchuk Foundation. The event took place on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) and was streamed live. According to experts, over 200 thousand people came to watch the grand show that day. About 5 million viewers watched the concert.
  • 2007 y.
    The first social brand Fashion AID
    The Fashion AID brand appeared on the catwalk of Ukrainian Fashion Week in March 2007. At the invitation of the Foundation, leading Ukrainian fashion designers joined the fight against HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. They joined forces to create the Fashion AID Red Collection, which was later sold at a charity auction.
  • 2007 y.
    Love Fashion AID is the most touching collection of the Ukrainian Fashion Week!
    On 16 October 2007, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation (formerly the Olena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation) presented Love Fashion AID , a unique social collection dedicated to the fight against AIDS. The collection features 38 Ukrainian designers who created wedding dresses dedicated to HIV-positive people. HIV and AIDS is not a sentence, life goes on, and happiness is possible! said the project participants.
  • 2007 y.
    Dreams come true
    The Dreams come true project was launched, thanks to which HIV-positive children received gifts for the New Year and Christmas. Over the years of its operation, from 2007 to 2011, the dreams of more than 5,500 children have come true. They were given gifts worth approximately UAH 5.9 million: clothes, toys, bicycles, phones, laptops and other items.
  • 2008 y.
    Queen concert in Kharkiv
    Life must go on! Don't let AIDS ruin your life! - these words were heard in Kharkiv on 12 September 2008, where the British band Queen with frontman Paul Rodgers performed. This charity concert, organised by the Olena Pinchuk Foundation, was dedicated to the fight against AIDS and attracted 350,000 viewers.The concert also raised UAH 800,000 for the Zelenogaysk Children's Home, which provides care for HIV-positive children. The concert was accompanied by a telethon to ...
  • 2008 y.
    UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in Kyiv
    On 16 May 2008, the 7th UN Secretary General Kofi Annan together with Olena Pinchuk opened the HIV/AIDS department of the clinic of the Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. The department was completely renovated, an intensive care unit was added, and the laboratory was equipped with the most modern equipment.
  • 2008 y.
    Opening of a renovated maternity unit for HIV-positive mothers
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation has funded the renovation of the infectious obstetric unit of the Kyiv City Centre for Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine, where HIV-positive women give birth.
  • 2008 y.
    Information campaign to promote safe sex
    An information campaign aimed at preventing HIV/AIDS in Ukraine is being aired on national TV channels:
    It takes just a few seconds to put on a condom
    How do you say it?
  • 2009 y.
    Mobile clinics for HIV-positive children
    Launch of the Mobile Clinics for HIV-positive Children project in Ukraine. This is a project to help thousands of HIV-positive children to get constant access to qualified medical care in the most remote and affected regions of Ukraine. The project continues its work today, providing quality medical care to about a thousand HIV-positive children a year. Since 2020, the project has been supporting the UKLON online car call service.
  • 2009 y.
    Media campaign aimed at HIV/AIDS prevention in Ukraine
  • 2009 y.
    "Star Factory" sang "Take care of love"
    At the initiative of the Foundation, the popular reality show Star Factory 3 featured the song Take care of love performed by the project participants to draw attention to the HIV epidemic in Ukraine. Later, thanks to the Foundation, a music video was shot for the song.
  • 2009 y.
    Substitution therapy programme
    The William J. Clinton Foundation and the Olena Pinchuk Foundation have announced the results of their two-year partnership: the launch of the opioid substitution therapy (OST) programme for injecting drug users; and the first research programme on rapid HIV tests in Ukraine. The Foundation's contribution amounted to USD 2.5 million.
  • 2009 y.
    Children Plus
    Children Plus is a joint initiative of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the Elton John AIDS Foundation to improve the lives of children born to HIV-positive mothers, integrate them in society, change attitudes towards such children and help them move from orphanages to foster families.
  • 2010 y.
    Bill Clinton arrives in Kyiv at the invitation of Olena Pinchuk
    The 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton visited Ukraine. He delivered a speech on Mykhailivska Square during the Battle for the Future event dedicated to the fight against AIDS. With his participation, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation held its largest charity auction, which raised a record $3 million for the fight against HIV/AIDS in Ukraine .
  • 2010 y.
    Victor and Olena Pinchuk receive the Elton John AIDS Foundation Award
    On 18 October 2010, at the ninth annual Enduring Vision ceremony at Cipriani Wall Street in New York, Victor and Olena Pinchuk were honoured for their significant contribution to the fight against AIDS. This is the first time in the nine years of the award's existence that it has been given to an Eastern European.
  • 2011 y.
    Elton John and Olena Pinchuk present their second joint initiative
    On 9 November 2011 in Kyiv, the founders of the Elton John AIDS Foundation and the Olena Pinchuk Foundation presented their second joint charity project . The two-year project helped homeless people, in particular homeless girls and young women aged 14 to 24. The Olena Pinchuk Foundation provided a grant of $450 thousand for the project.
  • 2011 y.
    The photo project "AIDS. Open Faces"
    Olena Pinchuk opened the photo exhibition AIDS. Open Faces dedicated to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The project was shot by one of the best photographers of Getty Images, Brent Stirtion. With the support of the Foundation, he visited 11 cities and filmed 800 stories of HIV-positive people.
  • 2011 y.
    "STARS FOR SALE" - an online charity auction
    In the course of this unique project - in terms of duration, scale and number of stars participating in it - the organisers sold 77 star lots and raised UAH 760,000. The money was used to purchase the first machine in Ukraine to purify donated blood from HIV and other infections, which was handed over to the Kyiv Regional Blood Centre.
  • 2012 y.
    Elton John, Queen and Euro 2012
    On 30 June 2012, Sir Elton John and Queen with Adam Lambert performed at Maidan Nezalezhnosti. The concert, organised by the Olena Pinchuk Foundation and dedicated to the fight against AIDS , gathered more than 150,000 people in the official Euro 2012 fan zone. Experts estimate that more than 250 thousand people came to Khreshchatyk and the surrounding streets. More than 17 million Ukrainians watched the concert live! {a_2} before the Elton John and Queen concert before ...
  • 2012 y.
    Football and safe sex
    The contest for the best social video, announced by the Foundation, is timed to coincide with the event that the whole of Ukraine was looking forward to - the European Football Championship in 2012. The works submitted to the contest of videos and scripts for social advertising on the topic of Football and Safe Sex were selected by the jury, and the best of them were aired on TV channels and on YouTube.
  • 2013 y.
    If there is a will, there is a chance
    On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the PinchukArtCentre presented a special project If there is a will, there is a chance - an exhibition dedicated to the topic of AIDS in contemporary art. The concept of the exhibition is expressed in the work of Damien Hirst, which gave the title to the entire exhibition: If there is a will, there is a chance . This is the will to defeat AIDS and a chance to change the history of our country.
  • 2013 y.
    Love is in our blood
    On Valentine's Day, Ai Weiwei and Elton John presented an art project dedicated to the fight against AIDS in New York, London and Kyiv. Ai Weiwei, the most influential person in the world of contemporary art according to ArtReview magazine, created a 60-second video Love is in our blood dedicated to the fight against AIDS. The project was screened in Kyiv with the support of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation.
2014 y.
The Medsanbat project was launched a few months after the start of the war in eastern Ukraine. The project provided training for doctors and medical staff in accordance with NATO standards with fully equipped medical backpacks. Over six months, Medsanbat held more than 20 training courses in different parts of Ukraine, with about 3,000 people completing them.
  • 2015 y.
    Medsanbat: supporting the home front
    The campaign was a part of the Medsanbat project by Victor Pinchuk and Olena Pinchuk to train military medics. It was aimed at informing civilians about the rules of conduct in case of a threat of hostilities, shelling and contact with the wounded. TV presenter Oleksandr Pedan became the face of the information campaign.
  • 2015 y.
    ICTV TV channel together with the Safe Connection project of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation have announced the launch of the I Can Do It! campaign. Every day on the air of Morning in the Big City on ICTV, the hosts offered viewers various challenges to improve their health and promote sexual safety under this slogan.
  • 2016 y.
    Supermodel in Ukrainian
    On 21 October 2016, Novy Channel aired an episode of the project Supermodel in Ukrainian , produced in cooperation with the Olena Pinchuk Foundation. It featured HIV-positive people who took to the catwalk alongside models in a special fashion show to debunk myths about the ways HIV is transmitted and draw attention to the need for tolerant attitude towards people whose lives have been changed by HIV.
  • 2016 y.
    "Your language" - T-shirts that speak Ukrainian
    Famous Ukrainian journalists and editors took part in a joint project dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. They were photographed wearing T-shirts from the Your Language collection, dedicated to the uniqueness and sexuality of the native language. The collection was produced by the Fashion AID project of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation.
  • 2016 y.
    Kilometres of kindness
    The Kilometres of kindness project aims to promote an active lifestyle and raise donations to help HIV-positive children. Ukrainian celebrities took part in the project, encouraging Ukrainians to take part in various activities and raising money on the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace website to support the work of mobile clinics for HIV-positive children.
  • 2017 y.
    Innovative ARV therapy
    For the first time in Eastern Europe, 1300 HIV-positive patients received antiretroviral therapy at the expense of private funds. Thanks to a partnership initiative supported by the Foundation, Ukraine received a sixth-generation drug that is much more effective and less toxic - dolutegravir. It needs to be taken only once a day.
  • 2017 y.
    I can do it!
    A large-scale women's support project I can do it! has been launched to strengthen the role of women in society, implemented jointly with the Coca-Cola Foundation. Its main goal is to help women grow professionally and build economic independence.
  • 2017 y.
    I have the right to say "No!"
    Modern Ukrainian women are asserting their right to manage their own lives independently . The flash mob I have the right to say NO! encouraged women to share cases from their lives when a refusal that seemed like a loss actually opened up new opportunities - in their careers, social activities or personal lives.
  • 2017 y.
    One Night Stand
    As part of the One Night Stand project, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation and nuBEKh (designer Masha Bekh) presented a special fashion kit for safe sex for one night stands - a safe kit designed for those who are not afraid of new sexual experiences and who do not have a regular sexual partner.
  • 2018 y.
    One day with Elton John
    Sir Elton John visited Ukraine again at the invitation of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation. During his visit, the Foundation held an information and charity event A Day with Elton John aimed at preventing and engaging Ukrainians in the fight against AIDS.
  • 2018 y.
    Sex education course at Prometeus
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation has presented the first mass online course in Ukraine Sex Education , which answers the most popular questions of teenagers about sex, dispels the most common myths and helps parents to start a conversation about sex with their children.
  • 2018 y.
    Veteran Hub
    The Veteran Hub is a joint project of the Olena Pinchuk and Victor Pinchuk Foundations and the NGO Pobratymy , created to provide centralised services to veterans, security sector workers, their families and friends, and to support their integration into civilian life.
  • 2018 y.
    Inspiration Lab
    More than 200 Kharkiv women took part in the Inspiration Lab event as part of the I Can! project. Successful women from Ukraine came together to share their experience in areas such as media, public administration, social projects, and marketing.
  • 2019 y.
    Dialog Hub
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation has opened a Dialog Hub in Kyiv. The educational centre is located at Volodymyrska Street. It hosts lectures and trainings on self-development, sexuality education, and psychological support. In addition, the Dialog Hub programme includes educational and mentoring meetings for women. The Dialog Hub also has a rapid and free HIV testing room.
  • 2019 y.
    Don't stick labels!
    The project I Can! project of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the platform of Ukrainian brands Vsi. Svoi have presented a capsule collection of women's T-shirts with prints against gender stereotypes called Don't stick labels! . The aim of the project is to encourage people to get rid of stereotypes about women, not to think prejudicially and not to divide the world by gender.
  • 2019 y.
    Collaboration with Guzema fine jewellery
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation and Guzema Fine Jewelry presented a charity necklace Inspiment chain. The campaign is aimed at strengthening women's role in society, mutual support and sisterhood.
  • 2019 y.
    From a place to a career
    The project I Can! of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the EdEra online education studio presented the online course From a place to a career , which has been completed by more than 50,000 women. The course covered such topics as rules for successful interviews, time management, protection of rights at work, mentoring, career opportunities, and entrepreneurship.
  • 2019 y.
    One day with a mentor
    When you look at the lives of successful women from the outside, it seems like a party! Meetings, filming, drive. You want to live that life and be like them. But few people think about the cost of success. In this project, One day with a mentor , we wanted to show the lives of successful women without any embellishments.
  • 2020 y.
    Media project #Slowly
    #Slowly is an online educational course for future entrepreneurs as part of the I Can! project. It was created for people who want to start their own business or expand an existing one, find partners or mentors, capitalise on a hobby or achieve their dreams.
  • 2020 y.
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the Ukrainian brand Marsala have presented a charity collection of bags #WhenIWasn'tAfraid to overcome any woman's fears. Each of the bags is decorated with decorative embroidered lines of Yuriy Izdryk's poem: If you only knew how beautiful you are when you have no fear in you .
  • 2021 y.
    "Women in Business: Booster Effect - an educational course for women entrepreneurs
    More than 5,000 women entrepreneurs from all over Ukraine have taken the online course Women in Business: Booster Effect , developed in cooperation with Lviv Business School. The educational course was aimed to help them start or scale their own business. At the end of the course, a grant competition was held to award UAH 1,500,000 for women's business development.
  • 2021 y.
    Collaboration with the KeepSTYLE brand
    The charity fashion collaboration with the KeepSTYLE brand Just say it encourages young people not to be afraid to talk about sex and sex education, and to learn how to have a conversation with their partners, parents and experts. All proceeds from the sale of the T-shirts and hoodies were used to produce the educational product on sex education Chastity .
  • 2021 y.
    Dialog Hub and DUREX presented STORIES, a YouTube project about sex education, in which celebrities came to Dialog Hub for a frank conversation about sex and relationships. Famous people from Ukraine took part in the project: Masha Efrosinina, Leonid Martynchyk, Alyona Alyona, Irena Karpa, Tetiana Bryk, Alyona Gudkova, Sabina Musina, and many others.
  • 2021 y.
    Let's Google sex
    An educational project supported by DUREX Let's Google Sex in which specialists and experts answer the most popular questions about relationships and sex. It's usually easier to ask Google about sex than people. However, you can find fakes and unprofessional advice on the Internet that can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • 2021 y.
    It`s time
    It's time is an online training course implemented in partnership with the NGO Lada for women and mothers who have decided to return to the labour market. The project's goals are to promote women's career growth and professional fulfilment; to encourage and support women entrepreneurs.
  • 2022 y.
    Our response to the war
    With the full-scale war in full force, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation responds to new humanitarian challenges by purchasing medicines for civilian hospitals, tactical medicine for military and military doctors, generators and armoured ambulances. The Foundation continues to support families affected by the HIV epidemic.
  • 2022 y.
    Mental health support
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the NGO Grigory Skovoroda Institute for Process Oriented Work in Ukraine have brought in the best international experience to prepare Ukrainian psychologists for free, who help Ukrainian women affected by the war to develop their capabilities and overcome emotional exhaustion.
  • 2022 y.
    Helping women in the military
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation, together with the Women's Veterans Movement and NV.ua , tell the stories of Ukrainian women who are defending our country and prove by their example that there is nothing that Ukrainian women cannot do. The Olena Pinchuk Foundation regularly supplies the military with essential kits.
  • 2023 y.
    First aid courses
    Cooperation of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation with FAST, Ukraine's largest provider of first aid training. Every month, the Dialog Hub hosts free first aid training for civilians . The knowledge will help save lives before the ambulance arrives, both in case of war-related injuries and in everyday life.
  • 2023 y.
    Fashion collaboration with Aspinal of London
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation together with the famous British brand Aspinal of London presented a collection of silk scarves and leather key chains sold both in the UK and Ukraine. All proceeds will be used to support the Foundation's Mobile Clinics for HIV-positive Children project.
  • 2023 y.
    Cooperation with the Klitschko Foundation
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation and the Klitschko Foundation have launched a free educational project CharityPro for newly established charitable and public organisations to create a culture of charity. The project involves opinion leaders in the field of charity who share their experience, analyse cooperation with donors and the media, etc.
  • 2023 y.
    Empower Her Power
    The Olena Pinchuk Foundation and Have A Rest present a limited edition charity backpack collection, Empower Her Power, to help women in the military.