News by tag:
These Drugs Stop the Spread of HIV Even Without Condoms
These Drugs Stop the Spread of HIV Even Without Condoms
In a new study, drugs alone prevent the transmission of HIV among gay men.
13 july 2016
New therapy keeps HIV at bay without daily drug regimen, study says
New therapy keeps HIV at bay without daily drug regimen, study says
The hunt for an HIV treatment that roots the virus out of its hiding places and kills it just got more interesting.
23 june 2016
Therapeutic vaccine offers hope in Aids fight
Therapeutic vaccine offers hope in Aids fight
An Aids treatment from Italy has shown promising results in a clinical trial in South Africa. The therapeutic vaccine makes antiviral drugs more effective by boosting the immune system of people...
10 june 2016
Two-hour test kit hailed as boon to HIV care in Africa
Two-hour test kit hailed as boon to HIV care in Africa
Cambridge scientist Helen Lee’s simple, mobile device will speed up detection and treatment rates.
30 may 2016
AIDS Treatment in Haiti Promising for Developing Nations
AIDS Treatment in Haiti Promising for Developing Nations
One of the first groups of H.I.V. patients in a poor country to get free AIDS drugs has about the same survival rate as their closest counterparts in the United States, according to...
20 april 2016
Second Chinese team reports gene editing in human embryos
Second Chinese team reports gene editing in human embryos
Study used CRISPR technology to introduce HIV-resistance mutation into embryos.
11 april 2016
Researchers edit genes in human embryos for second time
Researchers edit genes in human embryos for second time
Researchers in China have edited the genes of human embryos to make cells resistant to HIV infection. It’s the second reported case of using molecular scissors called CRISPR/Cas9 to alter...
11 april 2016
New HIV Drug Approved by FDA
New HIV Drug Approved by FDA
The FDA has approved a new drug for the disease.
08 april 2016
Cure for HIV possible within three years as scientists snip virus from cells
Cure for HIV possible within three years as scientists snip virus from cells
A cure for HIV and AIDS could be just a few years away after scientists proved they can snip away the virus from infected cells and prevent the disease ever returning.
01 april 2016
Bernie Sanders to Unveil HIV/AIDS Research Initiative
Bernie Sanders to Unveil HIV/AIDS Research Initiative
Proposal comes on the back of Clinton's Apology for Praising Nancy Reagan's AIDS record.
15 march 2016
Johns Hopkins approved to perform HIV-positive to HIV-positive organ transplants
Johns Hopkins approved to perform HIV-positive to HIV-positive organ transplants
It could mean the difference between life and death for more than 1,000 people in the United States each year. Doctors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have been given the okay to become...
09 february 2016
HIV becoming resistant to key drug, study finds
HIV becoming resistant to key drug, study finds
Strains of HIV are becoming resistant to an antiretroviral drug commonly used to prevent and fight the virus, research has suggested.
28 january 2016