News by tag: HIV/AIDS
War and HIV. Ahead of World AIDS Day, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation summarizes the first results of a project for the military in the fight against HIV and hepatitis
War and HIV. Ahead of World AIDS Day, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation summarizes the first results of a project for the military in the fight against HIV and hepatitis
In conditions of war, when every day is a challenge, the health of Ukrainian military personnel becomes one of the most important priorities. Understanding this, the Olena Pinchuk Foundation...
28 november 2024
The Olena Pinchuk Foundation has investigated the level of awareness among Ukrainians regarding HIV/AIDS.
The Olena Pinchuk Foundation has investigated the level of awareness among Ukrainians regarding HIV/AIDS.
Only one-third of the respondents reported using condoms, despite Ukraine ranking first in Europe for the rapid spread of HIV. The introduction of sexual education could potentially change this...
26 january 2024
Today is World AIDS Day. Unfortunately, Ukraine still occupies one of the first places in Europe in terms of the growth rate of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Today is World AIDS Day. Unfortunately, Ukraine still occupies one of the first places in Europe in terms of the growth rate of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
It is possible to remain resistant to HIV infection. And testing is the first step to continue a full life, create a family and give birth to children.
01 december 2022
The German AIDS Foundation supported the project of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation
The German AIDS Foundation supported the project of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation "Mobile clinics for HIV-positive children in Ukraine".
The funds were collected the day before at the charity Opera Gala concert. The charity evening was held in Dusseldorf and this is already the 13th opera gala - concert of German philanthropists who...
28 october 2022
Olena Pinchuk Foundation still helps families living with HIV / AIDS
Olena Pinchuk Foundation still helps families living with HIV / AIDS
Patients in the Kyiv region who find themselves in a difficult economic situation due to the war waged by Russia against Ukraine will be provided with food kits.
15 march 2022
The project
The project "Mobile clinics for HIV-positive children" was launched in 8 regions of Ukraine in 2021
Five brigades made 72 trips to 78 settlements during the year. In total, 965 children received medical assistance, including 591 with confirmed HIV status and 374 children who are under monitoring....
21 december 2021
СНІД в Україні: статистика на 01.12.2021
СНІД в Україні: статистика на 01.12.2021
12626 випадків ВІЛ-інфекції зафіксовані в Україні за січень - жовтень 2021 року згідно з даними Центру громадського здоров'я МОЗ України.  3496 випадків СНІДу та 1584 смерті, зумовлені...
29 november 2021
Мобільні клініки в Одесі
Мобільні клініки в Одесі
Фонд Олени Пінчук спільно з онлайн-сервісом виклику авто Uklon запустили «Мобільну клініку для ВІЛ-позитивних дітей» тепер ще й в Одеській області
04 june 2021
AIDS in Ukraine: statistics for 01.12.2020
AIDS in Ukraine: statistics for 01.12.2020
In the first ten months of 2020, according to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 13 277 cases of HIV infection were registered in Ukraine including 66 children under 14;...
30 november 2020
“ONE-ON-ONE” campaign will motivate Ukrainian get tested for HIV on the eve of the World AIDS Day
“ONE-ON-ONE” campaign will motivate Ukrainian get tested for HIV on the eve of the World AIDS Day
The “One-on-one” events will be held in all the regions of Ukraine in the eve of the World AIDS Day — we call on Ukrainian citizens to be honest with themselves and make a first...
27 november 2019