Ukraine – Germany: partnership of private foundations in the fight against HIV/AIDS
Ukraine – Germany: partnership of private foundations in the fight against HIV/AIDS
On October 7 the meeting of leading German journalists with Ukrainian experts on HIV/AIDS took place. It was organized by Robert Bosch and Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundations. 15 journalists...
10 october 2005
Реконструкция детского дома «Березка»
Реконструкция детского дома «Березка»
5 августа 2005 года Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» завершил проект по реконструкции детского дома «Березка», в котором живут ВИЧ-позитивные дети. Часть пожертвований для этого...
30 august 2005
Summer therapeutic camp for HIV positive people (Chernovitskiy region, 2005)
Summer therapeutic camp for HIV positive people (Chernovitskiy region, 2005)
13 of August 2005 in Chernovitskiy region therapeutic camp “The Road to Life” for HIV-positive people and their families completed its work. The camp was organized by “Changing...
15 august 2005
The Outlook of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Ukraine
The Outlook of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Ukraine
On August 24, 2005, the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS and Getty Images, with the participation of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, completed the photo project "The Outlook of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic...
11 august 2005
Graffiti mini festival on HIV/AIDS in
Graffiti mini festival on HIV/AIDS in "Artek"
Graffiti festival, organized by the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation within the festival "Change the world to the better!" in "Artek", turned out to be the most eye-catching project of HIV/AIDS...
02 august 2005
Learn more about HIV/AIDS – change the world to the better
Learn more about HIV/AIDS – change the world to the better
July 29, 2005 – International children’s festival “Let’s change the world to the better!” came to its end in “Artek”. A number of trainings on HIV/AIDS,...
01 august 2005
Therapeutic evenings near Dikan’ka village
Therapeutic evenings near Dikan’ka village
The village of Mikhailovka, Dikan’ka rayon, Poltava oblast. The Dikan’ka reserved forest near Vorskla river hosts the 5th therapeutic summer camp “Return of Love”, which was...
15 july 2005
Statistics on HIV/AIDS and situation overview in Ukraine on 01.07.2005
Statistics on HIV/AIDS and situation overview in Ukraine on 01.07.2005
Review of the HIV/AIDS situation in Ukraine as of 01.07.2005.
15 july 2005
Children face of HIV
Children face of HIV
Starting from 1995 HIV/AIDS epidemic was spreading mostly among IDUs and their sex partners. Nowadays number of new HIV cases among women is rising dramatically. Partly, the reason for such shift...
07 june 2005
High technologies help to fight HIV/AIDS
High technologies help to fight HIV/AIDS
The first campaign against AIDS in Ukraine, with applying high level banking technology, was launched on the 11 of August, 2004. The principal aim of joint initiative of PrivatBank and Elena...
01 june 2005
Березкины дети
Березкины дети
В июне 2004 года Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» совместно с Киевской городской администрацией начал реконструкцию киевского детского дома «Березка», в котором живут...
27 may 2005
In Vienna under support of ANTIAIDS Foundation, 29 000 EURO were raised for Ukrainian HIV-positive kids
In Vienna under support of ANTIAIDS Foundation, 29 000 EURO were raised for Ukrainian HIV-positive kids
This sum was raised on June, 4th 2005 during the auction, where fourteen paintings of Austrian artists were sold. The organizers of the charitable event – Austrian AIDS Society and German...
16 may 2005