Charity concert Vladimir Spivakov and Jessy Norman for HIV-positive orphans
Charity concert Vladimir Spivakov and Jessy Norman for HIV-positive orphans
On December 12th, 2003 under the support of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation the concert of the world famous musicians – the conductor Vladimir Spivakov and the singer Jessy Norman –...
12 december 2003
Thickness of a condom is a line between you and AIDS
Thickness of a condom is a line between you and AIDS
This campaign created by the Saatchi&Saatchi Ukraine for Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation.
01 december 2003
Best Sex: It's simple. Use a condom
Best Sex: It's simple. Use a condom
"Best Sex: It's simple. Use a condom" series speak the language of the most at risk population. This poster campaign was created with its audience in mind as it is emotional, interesting, funny and...
01 december 2003
Национальный телефон доверия – горячая линия по вопросам ВИЧ/СПИДа
Национальный телефон доверия – горячая линия по вопросам ВИЧ/СПИДа
Запуская на национальных телеканалах самую масштабную в истории Украины информационную кампанию по борьбе со СПИДом, Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» принял решение в обязательном порядке...
29 november 2003
"Let’s stop AIDS before it stops us!" - Informational campaign created and carried out by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, Ukraine
On November 29, 2003, in the eve of the World AIDS Day the national informational campaign “Let’s stop AIDS” takes its start on the following TV channels: ICTV, Novy channel, STB...
27 november 2003
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan addressed with the message to the ANTI-AIDS campaign in Ukraine
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan addressed with the message to the ANTI-AIDS campaign in Ukraine
On November, 21 2003 Mr. Annan appealed to the participants of the first Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation action – charitable concert of the world famous stars, band-master Vladimir Spivakov...
21 november 2003