Информационные кампании Фонда «АНТИСПИД» – на главной странице портала AIDS Media Center
Информационные кампании Фонда «АНТИСПИД» – на главной странице портала AIDS Media Center
23 февраля 2006 года на главной странице специализированного портала AIDS Media Center размещен анонс публикации информационных кампаний Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД». Со времени своего...
23 february 2006
Austrian money – for HIV positive children in Kiev and Makeyevka
Austrian money – for HIV positive children in Kiev and Makeyevka
29 thousand EURO is the total cost of new furniture and equipment delivered in January and February 2006 to the Makeyevka specialized orphanage and to Kiev regional children hospital №1. The money...
20 february 2006
Сharity Auction
Сharity Auction "Children in need"
The All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV kindly invites you to participate in a Charity auction “Children in Need”. All proceeds from the auction will benefit HIV-positive...
08 february 2006
Nadya goes to school!
Nadya goes to school!
What about it? On September the 1st, hundred thousands six- years old kids went to school for the first time – and nobody makes a noise out of it. They entered classrooms holding hands with...
01 february 2006
This year 854 children with HIV/AIDS received New Year presents
This year 854 children with HIV/AIDS received New Year presents
In December 2005 Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and All-Ukrainian network of people living with HIV/AIDS prepared and sent presents for 854 children living with HIV/AIDS in 15 Ukrainian cities....
28 december 2005
A half million dollars in Saint Nicolas’s sack
A half million dollars in Saint Nicolas’s sack
On 19th of December, in the Saint Nicolas Day, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation presented for the first time the results of the project on renovation of Kiev “Beryozka” orphanage,...
19 december 2005
Statistics on HIV/AIDS and situation overview in Ukraine on 01.12.2005
Statistics on HIV/AIDS and situation overview in Ukraine on 01.12.2005
On the data of the Ukrainian AIDS Center, since 1987 there have been registered 87,159 cases of HIV in Ukraine (last updated: December 2005). 12,622 people have AIDS and 7,278 people have already...
01 december 2005
New media campaign of ANTIAIDS Foundation is about “Who Do You Sleep With” and what is it – “Accident or Rule”
New media campaign of ANTIAIDS Foundation is about “Who Do You Sleep With” and what is it – “Accident or Rule”
On 1st of December 2005 new informational campaign of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, dedicated to safe sex promotion, started on the national TV. On November 30th, 2005 Foundation...
01 december 2005
400 thousand people secured from HIV/AIDS
400 thousand people secured from HIV/AIDS
New joint project of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and TM “Contex” was demonstrated to the partners and mass media on November 30th, 2005 during the presentation of new Safe...
30 november 2005
Ukraine has signed a Memorandum providing access to the ARV-treatment on the lowest possible prices
Ukraine has signed a Memorandum providing access to the ARV-treatment on the lowest possible prices
On September 15, 2004 Minister of Health Andrei Pidaev has signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative and therefore Ukraine has become a member of the...
25 november 2005
Говорим со школьниками о СПИДе
Говорим со школьниками о СПИДе
У жовтні 2005 року Фонд Олени Пінчук «АНТИСНІД» розпочав серію зустрічей зі школярами та студентами Києва на тему ВІЛ/СНІДу. Основна їх мета – зацікавити підлітків в отриманні...
01 november 2005
For the first time in CIS, the surgery on valve replacement to the HIV-positive patient took place in Kiev
For the first time in CIS, the surgery on valve replacement to the HIV-positive patient took place in Kiev
On 21 of October 2005 surgeons of Kiev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery performed the DEED. For the first time in CIS, the operation on aortic and mitral valve replacement has been made to the...
21 october 2005