News by tag: Africa
Botswana study shows 96% rate of viral suppression for patients on HIV drugs
Botswana study shows 96% rate of viral suppression for patients on HIV drugs
Botswana appears to have achieved very high rates of HIVdiagnosis, treatment, and viral suppression—much better than most Western nations, including the United States—according to...
23 march 2016
UNAIDS: striving for greater collaboration across health and education in new development agenda
UNAIDS: striving for greater collaboration across health and education in new development agenda
Responding to the challenge and opportunity posed by the interconnected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), leaders in health and education from across the world came together on the sidelines of...
05 october 2015
Uganda: Cipla buys 51% in Uganda drugs firm
Uganda: Cipla buys 51% in Uganda drugs firm
Cipla Limited the global pharmaceutical company has announced the purchase of a 51% stake in Quality Chemicals Limited by its wholly owned subsidiary in the UK, Cipla (EU) Limited.
23 august 2015
Ghana: First Lady launches HIV prevention campaign
Ghana: First Lady launches HIV prevention campaign
Mrs Lordina Dramani Mahama on Friday launched the HIV prevention of mother to child Transmission campaign in Asante Mampong in the Ashanti Region.
22 august 2015
Victoria Beckham visits Ghana for UNAIDS programs
Victoria Beckham visits Ghana for UNAIDS programs
Victoria Beckham was appointed UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador in September 2014 to support the UNAIDS vision of an AIDS-free generation.
21 august 2015
Food security improves HIV outcomes
Food security improves HIV outcomes
A farming intervention programme aimed at reducing food insecurity has also helped improve HIV outcomes in patients in Kenya, reports a new study.
20 august 2015
Rwanda: MOH Turns to New Method to Increase Voluntary HIV Testing
Rwanda: MOH Turns to New Method to Increase Voluntary HIV Testing
The Ministry of Health has expressed optimism that the new “finger prick” HIV/AIDS testing method would encourage more people to seek voluntary counseling and testing services as part...
20 august 2015
Ghana to receive US$300m from Global Fund to fight 3 diseases
Ghana to receive US$300m from Global Fund to fight 3 diseases
Ghana Tuesday signed an agreement with the Global Fund for a grant of US$300 million to support programmes that will fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis (TB) in the country.
20 august 2015
Uganda holds beauty pageant for young people with HIV
Uganda holds beauty pageant for young people with HIV
The beauty pageant auditions for young people living with HIV started Monday in Fort portal Town.
18 august 2015
Tanzania: People living with HIV seek support for their economic projects
Tanzania: People living with HIV seek support for their economic projects
People living with HIV in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro Region, have requested the government to support them in their entrepreneurial activities.
14 august 2015
Uganda: Newly Diagonised HIV Patients to Start Immediate Treatment
Uganda: Newly Diagonised HIV Patients to Start Immediate Treatment
Kampala — Researchers on HIV/Aids treatment want new HIV/Aids patients enrolled on anti-retroviral therapy upon testing positive as opposed to waiting for the CD4 cell count-test to drop...
14 august 2015
Kenya: HIV prevalence among female sex workers, gays rises: Report
Kenya: HIV prevalence among female sex workers, gays rises: Report
Pastors of inter-denomination indigenous churches take part in a demonstration on the streets of Kakamega town in western Kenya to protest an alleged proposal to legalise same-sex relationships in...
14 august 2015