Clinton Foundation joins efforts in the fight against AIDS in Ukraine with Elena Franchuk and Victor Pinchuk
Clinton Foundation joins efforts in the fight against AIDS in Ukraine with Elena Franchuk and Victor Pinchuk
New York, September 18, 2006 – President Bill Clinton and two Ukrainian foundations, headed by Elena and Victor Pinchuk, signed an agreement of cooperation today that will expand the work...
18 september 2006
The life of HIV positive kids got more sun
The life of HIV positive kids got more sun
In August of 2006, All-Ukrainian network of people living with HIV, at the financial support of the Global Found to Fight AIDS, TB and malaria, organized sanitation for families with HIV positive...
20 august 2006
Therapeutic evenings on the khutor near Dikanki - 2
Therapeutic evenings on the khutor near Dikanki - 2
The therapeutic camp “Return of love”, which was organized by Charity association “Light of hope” and lasted 10 days finished its work in July 25, 2006. Every summer on the...
30 july 2006
Why don't cartoon men have AIDS?
Why don't cartoon men have AIDS?
Because they are just "actors" of the new social TV spot of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation. In the real life, injecting drug usage is the shortest way to AIDS. New informational campaign of...
17 july 2006
ANTIAIDS Foundation among the winners of the IDA International Picture Contest
ANTIAIDS Foundation among the winners of the IDA International Picture Contest
In 2005 IDA Foundation organized a yearly Picture Contest with the objective to acquire photographic images from all around the world to communicate the improvement in health and quality of life of...
26 june 2006
Министерство обороны Украины предупреждает: презервативы полезны для вашего здоровья
Министерство обороны Украины предупреждает: презервативы полезны для вашего здоровья
В партнерстве с Центром здоровья Министерства обороны Украины Фонд Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» реализовал несколько проектов, направленных на профилактику ВИЧ/СПИДа среди...
13 june 2006
HIV positive orphans in post Soviet Union countries
HIV positive orphans in post Soviet Union countries
- the life of these orphans and the role of the government and NGO in their lives were discussed in May, 15 in Moscow by the experts from Ukraine, Russia, Romania and France on the satellite...
15 may 2006
I love life so much!
I love life so much!
On 20 of May 2006, the day before the International Candlelight Memorial Day, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation presented for the first time to the partners and mass media the theater project...
29 march 2006
Consultations of German highly qualified specialists are becoming available in Ukraine
Consultations of German highly qualified specialists are becoming available in Ukraine
Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation announces the possibility for physicians to receive qualified consultation of German colleagues on HIV/AIDS treatment issues. If you have difficult or problem...
24 march 2006
Информационные кампании Фонда «АНТИСПИД» – на главной странице портала AIDS Media Center
Информационные кампании Фонда «АНТИСПИД» – на главной странице портала AIDS Media Center
23 февраля 2006 года на главной странице специализированного портала AIDS Media Center размещен анонс публикации информационных кампаний Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД». Со времени своего...
23 february 2006
Austrian money – for HIV positive children in Kiev and Makeyevka
Austrian money – for HIV positive children in Kiev and Makeyevka
29 thousand EURO is the total cost of new furniture and equipment delivered in January and February 2006 to the Makeyevka specialized orphanage and to Kiev regional children hospital №1. The money...
20 february 2006
Nadya goes to school!
Nadya goes to school!
What about it? On September the 1st, hundred thousands six- years old kids went to school for the first time – and nobody makes a noise out of it. They entered classrooms holding hands with...
01 february 2006