Фонд Олени Пінчук відкрив у Києві Діалог хаб - простір вільних розмов
Фонд Олени Пінчук відкрив у Києві Діалог хаб - простір вільних розмов
Навчально-освітній центр знаходиться у Києві, на Володимирській, 43. Тут відбуваються лекції і тренінги на теми, які цікавлять підлітків та їх батьків – саморозвиток, сексуальна освіта,...
01 march 2019
Majority of Ukrainians think that the woman’s role in the society is defined by the words “beauty” and
Majority of Ukrainians think that the woman’s role in the society is defined by the words “beauty” and "weakness"
The study of gender stereotypes in Ukraine led by the international research company Ipsos commissioned by the Elena Pinchuk Foundation project "I Can!" and the project "Vsi. Svoi" discovered that...
21 february 2019
Competition “Don’t Label Others!”: Elena Pinchuk Foundation and «Vsi. Svoi» launch campaign against gender stereotypes
Competition “Don’t Label Others!”: Elena Pinchuk Foundation and «Vsi. Svoi» launch campaign against gender stereotypes
Elena Pinchuk Foundation and Ukrainian brand platform "Vsi. Svoi” announce the competition to design a special line of women's T-shirts “Don’t label others!”. The main...
11 february 2019
Fight for Love: бренды FROLOV и SOVA выпустили коллекцию украшений для борьбы со СПИДом
Fight for Love: бренды FROLOV и SOVA выпустили коллекцию украшений для борьбы со СПИДом
На Ukrainian Fashion Week бренды SOVA и FROLOV представят уникальную коллекцию украшений For Love. Это сотрудничество — пример социальной ответственности fashion-брендов, поднимающих проблему...
31 january 2019
Veteran Hub provided report for the 11 months of its operation
Veteran Hub provided report for the 11 months of its operation
The report covers the timeframe between February 2018 and January 2019. It describes the process of the project design and implementation, presented by its team and the 9 resident organizations...
30 january 2019
Епідемія ВІЛ/СНІДу в Україні зробила крок назад
Епідемія ВІЛ/СНІДу в Україні зробила крок назад
Вперше з 2012 року і вдруге в історії України зафіксовано зниження темпів поширення ВІЛ-інфекції. За даними Центру громадського здоров’я МОЗ України у 2018 році було зареєстровано на 0,52...
23 january 2019
Special Celebration for Special Kids
Special Celebration for Special Kids
On December 20, 2018, almost 150 children with special needs, that are under the care of social services, charitable foundations and NGOs, participated in the New Year's celebration on Sofia...
21 december 2018
Sex, teenagers, Telegram: Solomia.Teen – educational bot for teenagers
Sex, teenagers, Telegram: Solomia.Teen – educational bot for teenagers
The menstrual cycle guide Solomia.Today, together with the Elena Pinchuk Foundation project “I Can!”, launched a telegram-bot for teenagers Solomia Teen. With the help of this bot,...
20 december 2018
Elena Pinchuk Awarded TOP 30 UNDER 30 Award to Ivona Kostyna, Veteran Hub Project Top Manager
Elena Pinchuk Awarded TOP 30 UNDER 30 Award to Ivona Kostyna, Veteran Hub Project Top Manager
On December 11, the Third Award Ceremony of the Young Leaders of Ukraine TOP 30 UNDER 30 took place in Kyiv. The winners of the annual competition are social entrepreneurs, activists, innovators...
11 december 2018
Participants of the Second Ukrainian Women's Congress discussed women’s role models in the society
Participants of the Second Ukrainian Women's Congress discussed women’s role models in the society
On December 7-8, Kyiv hosted one of the most influential events in the field of gender policy - the Second Ukrainian Women's Congress. Among the moderators of the event were Olesya Zhulynska, Head...
10 december 2018
Ukrainians are urged to abandon childish behavior
Ukrainians are urged to abandon childish behavior
On the eve of the World AIDS Day we cordially invite you to the action "Don’t be a child. Get HIV tested ", which will begin at 10.00 am on November, 30  at the Red Ribbon Memorial (23...
29 november 2018
Elton John wrote a letter to Ukrainians on the World AIDS Day
Elton John wrote a letter to Ukrainians on the World AIDS Day
Sir Elton John, a famous musician, philanthropist and public figure, appealed to Ukrainians on the eve of the 30th World AIDS Day – his letter was published today in the "Facts and...
29 november 2018