Armored ambulances for Ukraine
Armored ambulances for Ukraine
Victor and Elena Pinchuk will hand over the first batch of armored ambulances to emergency doctors
04 april 2022
VAC-therapy in Kyiv hospitals
VAC-therapy in Kyiv hospitals
Elena Pinchuk Foundation purchases expensive VAC therapy devices for treatment of severe body lesions
25 march 2022
Olena Pinchuk Foundation still helps families living with HIV / AIDS
Olena Pinchuk Foundation still helps families living with HIV / AIDS
Patients in the Kyiv region who find themselves in a difficult economic situation due to the war waged by Russia against Ukraine will be provided with food kits.
15 march 2022
We are joining forces to help Ukraine
We are joining forces to help Ukraine
The Olena Pinchuk Foundation is currently transferring funds and cooperating extensively with volunteer headquarters in Poland as part of a joint initiative of Victor and Olena Pinchuk to purchase...
08 march 2022
1,000 individual medical kits were handed over to military medics and specialists
1,000 individual medical kits were handed over to military medics and specialists
As part of a joint initiative of Victor and Elena Pinchuk, the Foundation joined forces to purchase tactical medicine for military and military doctors
06 march 2022
The project
The project "Mobile clinics for HIV-positive children" was launched in 8 regions of Ukraine in 2021
Five brigades made 72 trips to 78 settlements during the year. In total, 965 children received medical assistance, including 591 with confirmed HIV status and 374 children who are under monitoring....
21 december 2021
СНІД в Україні: статистика на 01.12.2021
СНІД в Україні: статистика на 01.12.2021
12626 випадків ВІЛ-інфекції зафіксовані в Україні за січень - жовтень 2021 року згідно з даними Центру громадського здоров'я МОЗ України.  3496 випадків СНІДу та 1584 смерті, зумовлені...
29 november 2021
Мобільні клініки в Одесі
Мобільні клініки в Одесі
Фонд Олени Пінчук спільно з онлайн-сервісом виклику авто Uklon запустили «Мобільну клініку для ВІЛ-позитивних дітей» тепер ще й в Одеській області
04 june 2021
These lines are about the epidemic, but not the one that provokes majority of publications and conversations these days. Today, the fact that the coronavirus is not the first epidemic of modern...
01 december 2020
AIDS in Ukraine: statistics for 01.12.2020
AIDS in Ukraine: statistics for 01.12.2020
In the first ten months of 2020, according to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 13 277 cases of HIV infection were registered in Ukraine including 66 children under 14;...
30 november 2020
Мільйон гривень для переможців конкурсу грантів проекту «Я зможу!»
Мільйон гривень для переможців конкурсу грантів проекту «Я зможу!»
Проект «Я зможу!» оголошує переможців конкурсу грантів.15 червня був закінчений прийом заявок на підтримку бізнес проектів, які створені та керуються жінками.
15 july 2020
Elena and Victor Pinchuk to provide artificial lung ventilation machines to Ukrainian hospitals due to proliferation of coronavirus
Elena and Victor Pinchuk to provide artificial lung ventilation machines to Ukrainian hospitals due to proliferation of coronavirus
The Elena Pinchuk Foundation and the Victor Pinchuk Foundation will provide Ukrainian hospitals with 10 state of the art artificial lung ventilation (ALV) machines due to the proliferation of...
16 march 2020