350 000 voices choired “Life must go on!” with Queen+Paul Rodgers in Kharkov!
350 000 voices choired “Life must go on!” with Queen+Paul Rodgers in Kharkov!
Ushering in the start of their massive European tour Queen + Paul Rodgers made a mighty impact on September, 12 2008 with a special one-off concert to support Elena Pinchuk...
12 september 2008
Life must go on!
Life must go on!
Queen + Paul Rodgers Support the Call With ANITAIDS Concert In Kharkov Freedom Square. Queen + Paul Rodgers will head a massive outdoor concert in one of Europe’s biggest public squares ahead...
27 august 2008
To put on a condom only takes a few seconds
To put on a condom only takes a few seconds
Новая информационная кампания Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» продолжает серию социальных видео роликов, направленных на профилактику ВИЧ/СПИДа в молодежной среде и продвижению...
20 june 2008
Safe sex is fashionable
Safe sex is fashionable
Final round of the student festival "Youth. Style. Fashion" was held on May, 24 2008 in the expocenter "ACCO International". Out-of-competition fashion-show "Safe sex is fashionable" devoted to the...
24 may 2008
The seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan took part in the opening of the central HIV/AIDS clinic in Ukraine
The seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan took part in the opening of the central HIV/AIDS clinic in Ukraine
On May, 16 2008 HIV/AIDS clinic of the infectious Institute named after Gromashevskiy was launched after the reconstruction. It was made for the funds raised during charitable auction Love Fashion...
16 may 2008
Открытие отделения ВИЧ/СПИДа клиники Института эпидемиологии и инфекционных заболеваний им. Л. В. Громашевского после ремонта
Открытие отделения ВИЧ/СПИДа клиники Института эпидемиологии и инфекционных заболеваний им. Л. В. Громашевского после ремонта
16 мая 2008 года состоялось открытие отделения ВИЧ/СПИДа клиники Института эпидемиологии и инфекционных заболеваний им. Л. В. Громашевского, которое было отремонтировано и оборудовано за средства,...
16 may 2008
Miss World discusses HIV/AIDS problem with Ukrainian students
Miss World discusses HIV/AIDS problem with Ukrainian students
On April, 23 2008 students of Institute of International Relationships named after T. Shevchenko (IIR) met with Zi Lin Zhang, Miss World 2007, Julia Morley, “Miss World” Organization...
24 april 2008
Beauty will save the world!
Beauty will save the world!
Charitable auction organized in the context of the project "Sanitary safety" took place on November, 3 in the fashionable Sky Art Café, where the collection of 14 black-and-white photos was...
09 april 2008
“The improvement of HIV-positive children’ lives” is becoming real
“The improvement of HIV-positive children’ lives” is becoming real
To support 1 500 children from problematic and disadvantaged families. To find families for the 96 orphans. To work with 3 000 teachers and preschool institutions’ nurses in order to reduce...
21 february 2008
Deposits of the Hope
Deposits of the Hope
People supported by our Foundation often repeat: “We are less depressed by disease then by dependence on others help”. In January 2008 Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation in a partnership...
25 january 2008
For the fist time in 57-year history of the Miss World contest Ukraine will be represented in jury
For the fist time in 57-year history of the Miss World contest Ukraine will be represented in jury
Representative of Ukraine will be among the members of the Miss World panel of judges during the final that will take place in Sanya, China. Elena Pinchuk, Founder of the Ukrainian charitable...
01 december 2007
"I'm a student and I'm not scared of AIDS!"
To be prevented is to be protected. Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and student parliaments of Kiev Universities two years in a row strive for Kiev students’ protection. If last year only...
28 november 2007