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HIV/AIDS. Global picture
WHO and UNAIDS launch new standards to improve adolescent care
New Global Standards for quality health-care services for adolescents developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS aim to help countries improve the quality of adolescent...
06 october 2015
HIV/AIDS. Global picture
HIV/AIDS prevention
UNAIDS: striving for greater collaboration across health and education in new development agenda
Responding to the challenge and opportunity posed by the interconnected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), leaders in health and education from across the world came together on the sidelines of...
05 october 2015
HIV/AIDS. Global picture
Antiretroviral therapy
World Health Organization
Treat all people living with HIV, offer antiretrovirals as additional prevention choice for people at "substantial" risk
Anyone infected with HIV should begin antiretroviral treatment as soon after diagnosis as possible, WHO announced Wednesday. With its "treat-all" recommendation, WHO removes all limitations on...
02 october 2015
HIV/AIDS. Global picture
HIV/AIDS prevention
UNAIDS and PEPFAR launch faith initiative
UNAIDS and the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) have launched a two-year initiative to work with faith-based organizations and strengthen their capacity to...
01 october 2015
HIV/AIDS. Global picture
Stars against AIDS
UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador Victoria Beckham receives Fashion 4 Development Award
UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador Victoria Beckham has been awarded the Fashion 4 Development Award for her work with UNAIDS and her commitment to make change happen by raising awareness on...
30 september 2015
AIDS in Ukraine
HIV/AIDS situation in ATO zone
HIV care arrives in eastern Ukraine where UN, faith groups collaborate
The first consignment of vital antiretroviral medications for adults and children living with HIV in war-stricken zones in eastern Ukraine has arrived by air in the conflict-torn country, says the...
17 august 2015
HIV/AIDS. Global picture
AIDS: global picture (July 2015)
WHO fact sheet N°360. Updated July 2015.
31 july 2015
Anti-terror operation
Supporting people
Foundation news
Results of the Medsanbat project
The Medsanbat project emerged after several months of military actions in Eastern Ukraine. The numbers of wounded and killed made it clear that existing Ukrainian military medicine lacks basic...
01 july 2015
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
AIDS in Ukraine
Сегодня - Всемирный день памяти умерших от СПИДа
Сегодня, 17 мая, в Украине и других странах мира отмечается День памяти умерших от СПИДа. В этот день в крупных городах Украины проходят акции и мероприятия, посвященные памяти людей, умерших от...
17 may 2015
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
AIDS in Ukraine
В Киеве почтили память людей, умерших от СПИДа
Сегодня, 15 мая, в Киеве общественные активисты, представители ЮНЭЙДС в Украине, Фонда Елены Пинчук "АНТИСПИД" и других неправительственных структур почтили память людей, умерших от СПИДа.
16 may 2015
HIV/AIDS. Global picture
Social ad
Боротьба зі стереотипами: журнал надрукував тексти кров'ю ВІЛ-інфікованих
Австрійський журнал The Vangardist вирішив кинути виклик міфам та забобонам відносно ВІЛ, які живуть у сучасному суспільстві. Для друку спеціального випуску використали кров інфікованих добровольців.
05 may 2015
Anti-terror operation
Foundation news
Medsanbat announces registration for two one-day trainings for journalists
One-day Medsanbat course is designed for journalists, photographers and cameramen who are working in the combat zone. Training is organized according to the standards of tactical medicine applied...
10 march 2015
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